Birmingham Real Estate Bulletin

Are You Ready for Rising Interest Rates?

  • Are You Ready for Rising Interest Rates?

    Here are three easy methods to deal with rising interest rates.

Should You Get a Home Inspection?

  • Should You Get a Home Inspection?

    Five reasons you should probably get a home inspection for your new house.

Buying a Flipped House?

  • Buying a Flipped House?

    If you’re looking at a flipped house, take these protective steps.

Are We in a Housing Bubble?

  • Are We in a Housing Bubble?

    Four reasons why our real estate market won’t crash anytime soon.

Ensure Your Closing Goes Smoothly

  • Ensure Your Closing Goes Smoothly

    Use these five tips to help ensure that your closing goes smoothly.

Be Careful Buying As Is in Alabama

  • Be Careful Buying As Is in Alabama

    Here’s what you need to know before buying as is in Alabama.